The Ten Best Supplements for Rheumatoid Arthritis

 1. Omega-3 fatty acids:

This highly beneficial supplement can be found naturally in cold water fish like salmon and tuna. People who take this supplement have marked improvement in the amount of pain and swelling they have from their rheumatoid arthritis. Before beginning to take this supplement check with your doctor, because in combination with some other medications it can cause bleeding problems.

2. Borage oil:

Borage oil is known to reduce the pain in swollen joints. Patients that take this supplement often require less prednisone to relieve their symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. People who are taking NSAIDs should talk to their doctor before they start to take Borage Oil supplements because it has a tendency to increase the risk of bleeding in people on these medications.

3. Green tea extract

Green tea extract will help to alleviate pain in joints. It may also help to reduce swelling in joints.

4. White willow bark

White willow bark has been used for years to help alleviate the pain of swollen joints. The effects are mild so it is best if you take white willow bark supplements with another known anti-inflammatory supplement.

5. Quercetin

Quercetin works like a mild dose of ibuprofen. It has pain relieving properties and it helps to reduce swelling in joints.

6. Curcumin or turmeric

Whenever you include turmeric in your recipes you are including an anti-inflammatory agent that will help to reduce swelling and pain. There are no known side effects.

7. Ginger

Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that has no side effects. The benefits are mild, but when combined with other anti-inflammatory agents they can have a positive effect.

8. Avocado-soy unsaponifiables:

These supplements are made from soybean oils and the oils from the avocado. The supplement is beneficial in helping to restore connective tissue. The only side effect reported has been a mild upset stomach, but for people who experience this side effect there is an alternative. Eating a raw avocado will give you the same benefits, only to a lesser degree.

9. Cat's claw

This is a natural supplement produces in the bark of an Amazon vine. It has shown some benefits as being a treatment that can help to reduce mild swelling and pain in the joints. There have been reports of cats claw causing some people to have side effects such as nausea, headaches and dizziness.

10. SAM-e

Sam-e is taken because of its anti-inflammatory powers and because it is a natural analgesic. Side effects of nausea, headaches and dizziness have been reported by people taking Sam-e.

The Doctor Supplement Store is one of the many online suppliers of high quality supplements that might help to alleviate the pain you suffer because of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.


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